Rabu, 30 Maret 2011

Karakter ASCII

Set karakter ASCII mendefinisikan 128 karakter (0 sampai 127 desimal, 0 untuk heksadesimal FF, dan 0-177 oktal). Ini character set adalah himpunan bagian dari banyak rangkaian karakter lain dengan 256 karakter, termasuk karakter set ANSI MS Windows, Roma-8 karakter set sistem HP, dan PC IBM Extended Character Set DOS, dan ISO Latin-1 set karakter yang digunakan oleh Web browser. Mereka tidak sama dengan set karakter EBCDIC digunakan pada mainframe IBM.

Control Characters

CharOctDecHexControl-KeyControl Action
NUL000^@Null character
SOH111^AStart of heading, = console interrupt
STX222^BStart of text, maintenance mode on HP console
ETX333^CEnd of text
EOT444^DEnd of transmission, not the same as ETB
ENQ555^EEnquiry, goes with ACK; old HP flow control
ACK666^FAcknowledge, clears ENQ logon hand
BEL777^GBell, rings the bell...
BS1088^HBackspace, works on HP terminals/computers
HT1199^IHorizontal tab, move to next tab stop
LF1210a^JLine Feed
VT1311b^KVertical tab
FF1412c^LForm Feed, page eject
CR1513d^MCarriage Return
SO1614e^NShift Out, alternate character set
SI1715f^OShift In, resume defaultn character set
DLE201610^PData link escape
DC1211711^QXON, with XOFF to pause listings; ":okay to send".
DC2221812^RDevice control 2, block-mode flow control
DC3231913^SXOFF, with XON is TERM=18 flow control
DC4242014^TDevice control 4
NAK252115^UNegative acknowledge
SYN262216^VSynchronous idle
ETB272317^WEnd transmission block, not the same as EOT
CAN302417^XCancel line, MPE echoes !!!
EM312519^YEnd of medium, Control-Y interrupt
ESC33271b^[Escape, next character is not echoed
FS34281c^\File separator
GS35291d^]Group separator
RS36301e^^Record separator, block-mode terminator
US37311f^_Unit separator

Printing Characters

!413321Exclamation mark
"423422Quotation mark (" in HTML)
#433523Cross hatch (number sign)
$443624Dollar sign
%453725Percent sign
`473927Closing single quote (apostrophe)
(504028Opening parentheses
)514129Closing parentheses
*52422aAsterisk (star, multiply)
-55452dHyphen, dash, minus
/57472fSlant (forward slash, divide)
<74603cLess than sign (&lt; in HTML)
=75613dEquals sign
>76623eGreater than sign (&gt; in HTML)
?77633fQuestion mark
A1016541Uppercase A
B1026642Uppercase B
C1036743Uppercase C
D1046844Uppercase D
E1056945Uppercase E
F1067046Uppercase F
G1077147Uppercase G
H1107248Uppercase H
I1117349Uppercase I
J112744aUppercase J
K113754bUppercase K
L114764cUppercase L
M115774dUppercase M
N116784eUppercase N
O117794fUppercase O
P1208050Uppercase P
Q1218151Uppercase Q
R1228252Uppercase R
S1238353Uppercase S
T1248454Uppercase T
U1258555Uppercase U
V1268656Uppercase V
W1278757Uppercase W
X1308858Uppercase X
Y1318959Uppercase Y
Z132905aUppercase Z
[133915bOpening square bracket
\134925cReverse slant (Backslash)
]135935dClosing square bracket
^136945eCaret (Circumflex)
`1409660Opening single quote
a1419761Lowercase a
b1429862Lowercase b
c1439963Lowercase c
d14410064Lowercase d
e14510165Lowercase e
f14610266Lowercase f
g14710367Lowercase g
h15010468Lowercase h
i15110569Lowercase i
j1521066aLowercase j
k1531076bLowercase k
l1541086cLowercase l
m1551096dLowercase m
n1561106eLowercase n
o1571116fLowercase o
p16011270Lowercase p
q16111371Lowercase q
r16211472Lowercase r
s16311573Lowercase s
t16411674Lowercase t
u16511775Lowercase u
v16611876Lowercase v
w16711977Lowercase w
x17012078Lowercase x
y17112179Lowercase y
z1721227aLowercase z
{1731237bOpening curly brace
|1741247cVertical line
}1751257dCloing curly brace
~1761267eTilde (approximate)
DEL1771277fDelete (rubout), cross-hatch box

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